
Payscale is considered the most accurate source of Inside Sales and SDR date in the US today. Taking into account the experience, location, level, and specialty involved, pay structure and rates along with career pathing and demographic info gives hiring companies and aspiring sellers accurate and current data on this niche of the selling process.

We encourage all associates to take the time to contribute their own data to this benchmark-style of intelligence to further refine the opportunities and earnings rewards in our space!


Trish Bertuzzi’s Sales Development & Inside Sales Power Hour:

Hundreds of today’s most successful Inside Sales and Sales Development Representatives owe their success to Trish and Matt’s dedication to the space. Trish has founded The Bridge Group, Inc. for consulting and public speaking and teaching courses. Her client depth is a who’s who in the marketplace. Her value includes annual surveys, Industry reports, publications and social media podcasts with the latest on where the industry is heading, and how business leaders and sales professionals should be viewing their craft as we head into 2023 and beyond.  For more information, we recommend you visit by clicking below button.


SDR Crowd:

When visiting LinkedIn, its easy to get lost in the clutter and advice of internet experts. The SDR crowd is a grassroots group of over 3,000 Inside Sales and Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) that are keeping it real with networking, career development tips, fellowship and numerous insights to the craft including some great hiring and job-seeking postings. We suggest you visit them often.

Association for Coaching

Association for Coaching:

Anyone can say they are a ‘coach’. However, a series of proven and deliberate  teaching, learning, feedback and development behaviors turn helpful associates into true mentors. CrowneGuide proudly recommends you ask for accredited coaches to invest into your new hires. Sellers: would you trust a friend to help you or an expert?  For information on what to look for in a coach. Visit them by click below button.

Association for Coaching

Sales IN-SiDeR! :

CrowneGuide’s blog is filled with facts, fun, and industry related resources to compliment the Inside Sales &SDR community at large, with news, trends, and discussion on best practices in the  Top-of-Funnel (TOFU) space. Subscribe and visit our ever-growing content.

Sales IN-SideR
American Association of Inside Sales Professionals AA-ISP:

American Association of Inside Sales Professionals AA-ISP:

As a member of AA-ISP for over 15 years, we encourage you to visit for classes, job postings, local and national events, and one of the best resources for  training/network opportunities an SDR could hope for. Paid memberships provide HUGE libraries of tips, best practices, and guidance for leaders and sellers alike. Check out their free and membership-based offerings and invest in yourself. You can visit them by clicking the button below:

American Association of Inside Sales Professionals AA-ISP: